ThinkingThru Business Coaching

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Enjoy the journey - Be Happy In Business

Everyone knows the cliché: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. But after a week of eating elephant, most people still give up. Why? Because all they can see is the elephant in front of them – and that’s discouraging.

I read Sophia Amoruso’s Girlboss recently, and I was struck by her thoughts on so-called ‘magical thinking.’ It’s not about actual magic – it’s about how thinking positively can change things so drastically that problems seem to fade. Start concentrating on your successes, and the enjoyment you get from the process of bettering yourself, and your elephant will go down easier.

That got me thinking: success is about more than just getting where you want to go; it's about being on a journey you can enjoy – or finding the right seat on the right bus. That way, you're not hating what you do, or worrying about what others are doing, because you're too focused on enjoying your journey – that's when magical thinking starts to really kick in.