You are never going to be 100% ready and it's never going to be just the right time, but that's the point: It means that every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, you just have to do it.
Timing is Key in Business & Life
We grow up marking our life out by the hours on the clock. At 12 o’clock it’s lunch, at 6:30, it’s time for dinner. There’s a right time to get up, and the right time to go to bed. By now, you’re probably singing that animals song in your head, Turn, Turn, Turn.
So when is the perfect time to make positive changes in our lives?
The ‘perfect’ time is when you’re not busy, and the kids are in school and when you’re not running late, or behind schedule at work and there’s absolutely nothing in your Netflix cue... etc. etc. etc.
The key to change is not finding the ‘perfect time’ because that will not come – it’s about finding the right time. And the right time, of course, is right now, even if you’re going to bed in five minutes and don’t have time to do anything but make the decision.
Analysis paralysis is the scientific name for when we get lost in our options, looking so hard for the perfect one that we don’t actually move. And a lack of movement always means failure.
If you can accept the imperfection of now, and the imperfection of yourself (and others!), you can deal with those little stumbles along the way, and most importantly, learn from them. This is where real personal growth begins: accepting that perfection doesn’t exist.
How does realising ‘the right time’ help me?
Realization of this and other aspects in life are part of my Life Coaching & Business Consulting strategies. Timing issues occur in personal life and business and can be detrimental in both. My goal is to get you past your own obstacle. This is sometimes the first and most difficult step in becoming a success.
For this and more, contact David and begin your journey.